I am thrilled to announce that Artemis Assessment and Treatment Centers, has agreed to proceed with my chatbot design. The ask was for a Chatbot that kids could talk to to learn more about ADHD in a way that is fun, safe and also gives the users a chance to interact with content in a unique was that may be more helpful to kids with neurodivergence than just handing them a pamphlet or directing them to a website
This will be a multi stage process of course and we are now well underway in working with the conversation design.
Let's talk a little bit about the process and how does one go about creating a chatbot?
At the heart of this chatbot is a little piece of magic known as AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language). This particular bot is solely coded in AIML for many reasons, but the main ones are as follows:
1. Complete control over the output
2. No ability to have hallucinations
3. To ensure that kids using this bot do not have exposure to any information that might be harmful to them.
1. Complete control over the output
2. No ability to have hallucinations
3. To ensure that kids using this bot do not have exposure to any information that might be harmful to them.
We had had a conversation about linking this up with a larger database (or NLP Framework) such as ChatGPT, TensorFlow, PyTorch or spaCy to give it more realism in conversation, but decided for the reasons listed above to stick with straight AIML and build the thing from scratch.
I've found working with AIML in this way pretty straightforward and have been thoroughly enjoying the process. One of the neat features of AIML that I am working with is the "Wildcard". The Wildcard is where you really start to play the game. Because we're not using an external framework, this becomes crucial. A wild card (either * or _ in the code) allows for you to input specific questions in and "blank out" parts of statements to capture variations of a question without having to have specific lines of code for every single possible question (working with just AIML, if there are any questions the user asks that are not in the file, it will return an unknown - sorry I don't have an answer for that etc.)
I'm so beyond excited to be able to work with AI anytime I can and this is certainly no exception. Stay tuned as I share more in depth about this particular bot and my journey, I'm sure this journey is only at it's very beginning!
I'm so beyond excited to be able to work with AI anytime I can and this is certainly no exception. Stay tuned as I share more in depth about this particular bot and my journey, I'm sure this journey is only at it's very beginning!
August 22, 2023
- Brett Bakker (AI content of post - 0%)